Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hello, we're still here!

Sorry everyone, at long last we are updating our blog. It's been a rough few months for us, but things are getting so much better now. Tyson found a new job at the University of Utah orthopaedic center. It is such a relief and a blessing to us. Athough Tyson claims he will miss watching the Price is Right, I know he is much happier working. The U gives him killer benefits and better pay, so we are very thankful to be through this particular trial.

We are currently going on week four of our exercise contest. Who can say if Katie wants to go visit her cousin in Italy more than Tyson wants to see the Cubs play in Wrigley field? This contest will prove the truth. Every week we have 20 buck to put in our vacation account, and the person who works out more days gets all 20. So far neither one of us has let up one bit. I've lost 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks and Tyson is getting closer every day to his goal of doing the MS walk again without the help of a wheelchair.

So life is great for us right now. The only thing better would be to have a baby join our home, so your prayers in our behalf are appreciated!

I am on the computer so much at work, I rarely go online at home, but I promise to be better about updating our blog more often. We have so many wonderful friends and family members. Thanks to all of you who prayed for Tyson to find this wonderful job!


Beck said...

Update more often my fat rear end! I got your email today, and am now going to your blog to write this and this only. MAXI PAD!!

powellpig2000 said...

I second my wife's comment I go to musicals more often than a update on this blog!!

The Bell Fam said...

I love the exercise plan (I secretly hope you win, Katie...I mean Italy vs. Chicago...come on!).

Hey, I ran into your whole fam minus you and Tys at the zoo for Madison's b-day party. Hope you are both doing great!

love britt

Margetts Fam said...

Hey Tyson (and Katie, but you probably wouldn't remember me). Glad you found a job and are doing well! I found your blog through Annie's blog. Alaina said you and her are friends on Face Book. I'm too cool for that, ha ha! You can check out our family blog at
I hope your new work has golf tournaments since that is about the only time we see each other. Take care!


Chris said...

Sorry Katie Bun-buns. I'm hoping that Tyson wins. Then we can meet you at Wrigley!