Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Refresh Button MANIAC!

Ever hit the refresh button on your email literally dozens of times a day?  I sure have.  Especially when Tyson and I were dating.  Just couldn't wait to get that next email, and read it, and reread it. 

Well now I'm at it again.  I'm dying to get that next email or phone call from the agency.  A birthmom received our picture book yesterday.  Not sure how many other couples we are up against, but she is chosing-- RIGHT NOW! 

Please tell us quick that we aren't chosen, like ripping off a band-aid!  Then we will take a deep breath and keep on truckin'.  What if we are chosen?  That's pretty scary too!  What if she chooses us, then decides to parent once he is born.  No!  Don't think about that! 

It's a gigantic decision.  These things take time.  Me emailing the case worker won't make the news come faster, although I'm severely tempted. 

Well, gotta go.  Gotta go hit the refresh button ten million more times.

Katie Lou

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